rassegna stampa.
“Up until the very end of a recent morning run at Villa Borghese, he seemed completely dry. This could be interpreted several ways. He may be 68, but he is in great shape physically, if rarely politically. Or perhaps his body is made of the same stuff as his personality, so low-key that a popular comic here recently nicknamed him "Valium." Or maybe it is evidence of an endurance that has allowed him to survive for a year and a half with terrible poll numbers, a fractious coalition and daily predictions that his center-left government would collapse, inviting the return of his more emotive predecessor, Silvio Berlusconi.”
Etichette: International Herald Tribune, Romano Prodi
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Ciao, scusa il commento fuori tema..volevo informarti del fatto che è nato un aggregatore di blog a sostegno del Partito della Libertà-Popolo della Libertà (inteso come soggetto unitario entro cui far confluire i partiti del centrodestra). Lo trovi a questo link:
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